Saturday, May 7, 2011

The way I'm feeling lately.

I am very unhappy with my body. I had my daughter April 2nd, 2010. She just turned a year old last month and instead of losing weight I have GAINED weight. I have never been overweight, most of my life I was underweight. I've been working out whenever I can. It's not the easiest thing to do with a toddler running around but, I make an effort to do at least a little every day. I have been trying to eat healthier and cut back on my portions but, I struggle with this a lot because I am an emotional eater. You know that saying "I eat my feelings"..well that's me. I HATE IT. I also think my birth control may have something to do with my weight gain. I have the Mirena IUD. I don't know how it could cause weight gain being that it has no hormones but, I have been finding many other women that have gained 20+ pounds being on it. Weird huh?!
So basically this is causing me to be an emotional wreck! People I haven't seen in a few years don't even recognize me now when they see me out in public. I feel like crawling in a hole and not coming out until all of this fat is gone. I'm not saying I want to be stick thin! I just want to look and feel healthy again. I feel like I don't even know myself. My body is foreign to me and I hate. I hate being in pictures. I hate seeing myself in the mirror. I hate leaving my house to go anywhere. I hate being in public. I just hate feeling like this.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Hair For A New Year!!

I went from this:

To this:

And now it looks like this:

It's a dark copper brownish red with dark golden highlights! I was inspired by Mandy Moore in these pictures:

I am a chameleon when it comes to my hair.. I get bored with it often. (=
Oh well, it keeps things interesting!! What physical changes have you made so far this new year??

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Highlights of MY 2010:

The birth of my beautiful baby girl:

She was 8 lb. 12 oz. She was a pretty big healthy baby!

Going to Kalahari for the first time to celebrate my sons 6th birthday..we went quite a few months before his birthday because we wouldn't be able to take a brand new baby there. We had a blast!

We sold our first set of shirts for STUDIO 141:

I finally got to go back to watch the DETROIT TIGERS play:

Ellie's first 4th Of July:

Cannon had his first field day:

Ellie's first Halloween:

I turned 25..ughghghgh. I know, right!:

Ellie's first Christmas:

I FINALLLLLY got to see "Black Swan" and it was amazing:

2010 may have had some downfalls but, for the most part it was AMAZING!!!